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Full text of "2016 Emails Between Wilshire Center BID And The City Of LA or Tara Devine"

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Subject:  Fwd:  Letter  of  support  for  RFK 
From:  Anna  Gruben 
Date:  04/06/2016  12:11  PM 

To:  Wilshire  Center  <>,  "Raul  Claras  ("  <>,  Paul 
Schrade  <>,  Paul  Schrade  <>,  Larry  Watts  <>,  John 
Guevarra  <>,  Ryan  Allen  <> 

FYI,  Rosa  Trujillo's  (Principal  of  Berendo)  letter  sent  to  Rosario  Kurlander  this  morning... 

Forwarded  message 

From:  Saldana,  Carmela  <> 

Date:  Wed,  Apr  6,  201 6 at  9:41  AM 

Subject:  Letter  of  support  for  RFK 

To:  "Kurlander,  Rosario"  <rik41 841> 

Cc:  "Trujillo,  Rosa"  <>.  ""  <annaaruben@peopleforparks.ora> 

Good  Morning, 

I have  attached  the  letter  of  support  for  RFK.  Please  let  me  know  if  you  have  any  questions  or  need  anything  else. 


Carmela  Saldana 
School  Administrative  Assistant 
Berendo  Middle  School 
(2131  739-5699 

From:  Trujillo,  Rosa 

Sent:  Tuesday,  April  5,  2016  9:39  PM 

To:  Anna  Gruben 

Cc:  Saldana,  Carmela 

Subject:  Re:  Letter  of  support  for  RFK 

Hi  Anna 

I will  ask  my  office  manager  to  email  to  you  tomorrow  with  my  signature. 

Thank  you 

Rosa  Trujillo 
Sent  from  my  iPhone 

On  Apr  5,  201 6,  at  9:25  PM,  Anna  Gruben  <annaaruben@peopleforparks.ora>  wrote: 

Hi  Rosa!  I wanted  to  make  sure  you  received  the  draft  below.  We'd  like  to  get  it  to  RFKs  principals  by  this 
Thursday  (which  is  when  they  meet  next),  if  possible.  The  person  you  would  send  the  letter  to  is  Rosario 
Kurlander,  Operations  Manager  rik41 841 

I'd  be  happy  to  send  it  to  her  myself  if  that's  easier.  It  would  probably  be  best  to  send  as  a pdf  on  Berendo  letter 
head  with  your  signature  on  it.  Please  let  me  know  how  I can  help. 

Thank  you!! 


Sent  from  my  iPhone 

On  Apr  4,  201 6,  at  1 0:42  AM,  Anna  Gruben  <annaaruben@peopleforparks.ora>  wrote: 

Hi  Rosa.  Here's  what  I was  thinking  in  terms  of  a letter  of  support  for  a CSP  at  RFK.  Is  this  something 
you'd  be  ok  signing?  Feel  free  to  make  additions  or  cut  things... 

Dear  RFK  Leadership  Team, 

I want  you  to  know  why  I support  the  People  for  Parks  Community  School  Park  (CSP)  initiative  and 
why  the  Robert  F Kennedy  Community  Schools  campus  will  benefit  from  having  its  own  CSP. 

A CSP  is  a supervised  school-site  playground  open  to  the  community  on  weekends,  holidays  and 
summer  vacation.  They  feature  healthful  programming  carried  out  by  school  district  staff  and  are 
made  possible  by  People  for  Parks  and  its  supporters.  They  provide  much  needed  safe  play-havens 
for  kids,  families  and  neighbors  living  in  park-poor  neighborhoods  like  ours. 

Berendo  Middle  School's  CSP  opened  last  December  and  already  we  see  fantastic  results.  Youth  and 
parents  now  regularly  come  to  our  campus  to  exercise,  engage  in  free  play  or  simply  enjoy  the  fresh 
air.  We  have  a dad  who  leads  a basketball  clinic  every  weekend.  Parents  are  working  to  revitalize 
our  campus  gardens. 

My  goal  as  principal  is  to  develop  the  whole  child  and  strengthen  the  ties  between  the  school  and  the 
surrounding  neighborhood.  Our  CSP  is  becoming  an  essential  assist  in  furthering  this  objective. 

None  of  this  would  have  been  possible  without  the  coordinating  and  outreach  assistance  provided  by 
People  for  Parks.  Because  of  their  pre-existing  agreements  with  LAUSD  and  Beyond  the  Bell, 
opening  our  CSP  was  fast  and  easy.  People  for  Parks  is  sensitive  to  the  unique  needs  of  the  schools 
it  serves.  I have  been  delighted  by  the  way  it  works  hand  in  glove  with  me  to  assure  that  the  CSP 
operates  to  further  my  goals  as  principal.  People  for  Parks  also  helps  with  special  events,  such  as 
Berendo’s  CSP  grand  opening  day  ceremony.  This  event  truly  spotlighted  our  school  in  very  positive 
way.  It  brought  representatives  from  city  government,  several  charitable  organizations  and  many  civic 
leaders  to  our  campus.  LAUSD  board  member  Monica  Garcia  also  came  and  her  enthusiasm  for  the 
partnership  between  People  for  Parks  and  our  school  was  really  inspiring.  She  shares  with  me  the 
need  to  expand  this  partnership  throughout  her  district. 

Our  CSP  is  in  its  infancy.  But  I foresee  in  the  years  to  come  it  will  greatly  enhance  the  image  of  our 
school  and  the  public  support  we  receive.  I see  our  school  truly  becoming  the  cultural  and  social  heart 
of  our  community. 

Sent  from  my  iPhone 


People  for  Parks